Kadie Salmon


Kadie Salmon is a visual artist based in London, UK. She graduated with an MFA from Edinburgh College of Art in 2009. Her practice utilises a variety of media, but she often uses photography at some stage in the creation of her work. Frequently she draws on notions of romance and eroticism, both historical and contemporary as a key concept of her work.

Kadie Salmon uses photography and sculpture to explore the nature of story telling and image making. Referencing historical and contemporary depictions of romanticism such as that found in cinema, novels, folklore and art she constructs enigmatic narratives that provoke sensations of idealism, desire and personal fantasy. Folded or scrunched paper boulders sit balancing next to human-scaled, architectural models; sculptures act as essential characters to the intimate scenarios depicted in her hand-painted, tableaux photographs. Walking through her fragile, paper landscapes the viewer unravels a narrative that acts a little like the still from a film or the middle of a book; offering no beginning or end.

Using a combination of digital imagery and traditional post-production techniques, Kadie Salmon creates large scale photographs and sculptures that explore notions of image manipulation, story telling and romantic landscapes. With an interest in the history of post-production and applied surfaces and its vital role in contemporary imagery and social media, Salmon often returns to traditional methods of manipulation. Using Victorian hand-tinting to physically add/remove colour or by forcing the image into a sculptural form, the ‘hand of the maker’ is ever-present in her work.

Drawing on the stories, histories, architecture and landscapes belonging to various countries and cultures, Salmon constructs narratives that explore the role of romanticism in art. These narratives are often the result of a performative process, through which the artist attempts to experience in person these romanticised scenarios from the past. However in doing so and placing them within a contemporary context their original language and interpretation is often lost and instead replaced with notions of idealism, desire and personal fantasy.

Kadie has recently completed a year long residency at the Florence Trust and will be exhibiting at New Art Projects, London 31st Aug – Sat 28th Oct 2017.

In 2016 Kadie received funding from The Henry Moore Foundation for the touring project Strange Loop as part of artist collective Captain Lightfoot. Recent exhibitions include Strange Loop, Babel Gallery, Norway and Gallery EX14, Dresden, Germany and her solo exhibition at New Art Projects in 2017.

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Artist Residencies

2020 Artexte, Montreal, Canada
2019 London Creative Network, Space Studios
2018 Artist in Residence, Can Serrat, Barcelona
2016-2017 Artist in Residence, The Florence Trust, London
2016 LKV Residency Programme, Trondheim, Norway
2015 Edinburgh Sculpture Micro Residency Programme, Edinburgh
2014 Artist studio exchange, Berlin
2013 Arteles Creative Centre Artist Residency Programme, Finland


2020 Artexte Research Centre
2019 England Arts Council (Develop Your Creative Practice)
2019 London Creative Network, Space Studios
2019 Public Choice Awards, Photofusion, London
2019 Shortlisted, Metro X Satori Award
2018 European Cultural Fund
2018 Step Beyond Travel Grant
2016 The Henry Moore Foundation
2016 The Eaton Fund
2015 Edinburgh Sculpture Workshop Artist Funding
2015 & 2013 The Hope Scott Trust Funding
2007-2009 Andrew Grant Scholarship Award
2008 & 2006 The Helen A. Rose Bequest
2007 Andrew Doolan Award for Sculpture
2007 The Tempest Photography Graduation Prize

Selected and Forthcoming Exhibitions

2020 Kadie Salmon, Spring Break Art Fair, New Art Projects, New York
2020 Kadie Salmon, New Art Projects, London
2020 Skin and Meat Sky Part I, Artexte, Montreal
2020 Skin and Meat Sky Part 2, Tempsspace, Montreal
2019 Landscapes in the Mind, Spring Break Art Fair, New Art Projects, New York
2018/19 Salon/18, Photofusion, London
2018 Memory Palace, Captain Lightfoot, Gallery Amu, Prague
2018 Odd Space, Hewing Wittare, London
2017 Living For Art, Sibyl Colefax & John Fowler, London
2017 Kadie Salmon, New Art Projects, London
2017 The Florence Trust Summer Show, The Florence Trust, London
2017 The Florence Trust Winter Open, The Florence Trust, London
2016 Strange Loop, Captain Lightfoot, Babel Gallery, Trondheim, Norway
2016 Place and Platform, Edinburgh Arts Festival, Edinburgh
2016 Here’s To Us, Gallery Gro, Finland
2016 MONO6 (Touring) The Courtyard, London
2016 MONO6 (Touring) Rijskademie, Amsterdam
2016 MONO6 (Touring) Blockbuster Exhibitions, Berlin
2016 MONO6 (Touring) Gottwood Arts Festival, Wales
2016 Strange Loop, Captain Lightfoot EX14, Dresden, Germany
2016 As Document, Summerhall, Edinburgh
2015 The Usher, Captain Lightfoot, Galleri Gro, Finland
2015 Concrete Fictions, New Art Projects, London
2015 Flat Land, Edinburgh Sculpture Workshop, Edinburgh
2014 Captain Lightfoot Presents...The Glasshouse, Edinburgh
2014 Everything Stuck to Him, Captain Lightfoot, The Vaults, Edinburgh
2014 Don't Know How to Tell, New Art Projects, London
2013 Something Old, Something New...., Fred[London] Ltd, London
2013 Viewing Room, Fred[London] Ltd, London
2013 Arteles Residency Exhibition, Haukijarvi, Finland
2013 No Heroics, Please, Captain Lightfoot, The Crypt Gallery, London

Selected Web Links/Publications

Women in Art- Q & A with Sarah Norris - http://wearewia.com/wia-artist-qa-kadie-salmon/#
Art Rabbit- review by Anneka French - https://annekafrench.wordpress.com/2015/10/01/concrete-fictions/
Publication-by curator Ashlee Conery- Kadie Salmon-Florence Trust Artist
Brora-Meet the Wearer fashion campaign- Q & A- https://www.brora.co.uk/about/meet-the-wearer/kadie
New Art Projects- Artist profile-http://newartprojects.com/artists/kadie-salmon/
Captain Lightfoot- Art collective-https://www.captainlightfoot.co.uk


2007-2009 MFA Sculpture, Edinburgh College of Art, Edinburgh
2003-2007 BA (Hons) Sculpture (1), Edinburgh College of Art, Edinburgh

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